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NEW for 2006 - New Collection Photos

Welcome to The lighting workshop site has now been restructured and restyled to include some of the old pages from the original lighting workshop onto our new server. I hope you like the new look, it should be easier to navigate and looks more up-to-date. Let me know what you think by dropping me a line at the news group.

Okay, so it's probably not Christmas right now (or even December), so why have a page on Christmas lights? The answer is I am interested in all types of lighting but the first lights I had were a set of 20 Christmas lights from Woolworths. Since then I have been interested in the different light sets both past and present. There seems to a bit of a lack of web sites relating to vintage lights in the UK so I have decided to attempt to correct this. If you can help with information, donations or otherwise I would like to hear from you.

New Lamps for Old - We are always looking for new exhibits. If you have a vintage light set that is no longer of use to you the please get in touch right away. If it is of use to us we will offer to swap it for something new. We can be contacted via the terms and conditions page.

Time Line - The collection is now organised chronologically. As many sets where produced over several years it is very hard date each set exactly so we have attempted to put them in the right decade. We do have a few mystery sets that will be posted once we figure out their age.

Figural Lamps - I have had some figural lamps for some time but did not have time to post them on the site. Finally I have started to get them posted.