Stage, Theatre and TV
Strand Archive (UK)
Huge archive of information on Rank Strand, Strand Electric and Strand Lighting products. Covers dimming and control as well as a very comprehensive list of lanterns both ancient and modern.

Lamp Collections
Kilokat's Antique Light Bulb Site (US)
A well written site documenting Kilokat’s bulb collection. The collection includes carbon filament, tungsten, figural, noble gas, fluorescent and mercury vapour lamps. The site is completed by a selection of pages on patents, books and other information.
Lamptech (UK)
The Museum of Historic Discharge Lamps is probably the most comprehensive site on discharge lamps. Not only does the site document different types of discharge lamps but it also has a video page where you can see what happens when lamps strike (and die).

Street Lighting
Street Light Online (UK)
English Street Lighting by Mike Barford. Mike is interested in collecting street lighting equipment and seems to have quite a collection. He has also documented a significant number of ‘vintage’ fittings still in use in the UK.
Sugg Lighting (UK)
Sugg Lighting are manufacturers of lighting columns and lanterns. They are listed here because they have been going since 1837 and still manufacture gas lighting. However, these days they have extended their product range to cove the new electric light.
History: William Sugg & Co (UK)
Chris Sugg has written an interesting and comprehensive website about the history of William Sugg & Co and how they pioneered gas lighting in London. You may also learn a thing or two about lamp lighters!

I’m not going to list all the manufacturers here but this one is worth a mention. BELL are one of the few independent British manufacturers still manufacturing lamps. They have been doing so for over 80 years so lets hope they keep doing so.
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